Sunday, March 25, 2018



???Today, we celebrate that great day when, while the Jews, trooping into the city of Jerusalem for the Passover Feast in their numbers, were wondering whether Christ would come to the feast, He surprised everybody by riding to Jerusalem for that feast with the gallantry of a King,  riding on a colt. Today brings us into that week of weeks, whence the salvation of humanity was given its full activation. It is on the events commemorated in this week ?especially the Triduum activities, that the reality of man?s salvation was won. The readings of today afford us an opportunity to meditate more deeply on who actually is in charge even as we journey to the cross with Christ. Although Christ cried on the cross that His Father has forsaken Him, He got the victory through the same cross having allowed the will of the Father to reign supreme.

??In the first reading, Isaiah charges that God has made him to learn about life and because of his learning, he has ceased from being afraid of facing life and has always been ready to go the extra mile for he is certain that God is in control and that God would not permit him to come to harm or shame (Isaiah 50:1?4). And in the second, St Paul, writing to the Philippian Church reminds all of the lesson to take home from Christ who though he was equal with God did not consider this equality as a standpoint but had to humble himself allowing the father?s will to take precedence in His life. With this, He was raised beyond all (Philippians 2:6?11). And in the gospel, we are presented with the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ as was recorded in St Mark's gospel. This is a distinct presentation of that manner in which Christ submitted himself to endure the pains of what choice the father has made for Him (Mark 14:1?15:47).

????The greatest challenge which keeps hindering our growth in Godliness is about an improper knowledge of who actually is in charge of our life's affairs. This is a resultant effect of a lack of knowledge. Isaiah, in the first reading greatly appreciates the opportunity God has given him to know adding that with this knowledge, he became better equipped as to know how best to rely on God and relay Godliness in his life. Writing to the Philippian Church, St Paul, in the second reading makes us realize as well that Christ knew His authority but yet could live through this human life in humble obedience to God, having understood that the Father was in charge ? for this He was exalted beyond all telling. And the gospel takes it a step further presenting us with the details of what extent Christ was ready to go in humility. These could be achieved because He knew who was in charge hence His concluding His prayer thus; ?not my will, but your will be done?.

???Beloved, many who have come to know about Christ and are willing to be led by him (i.e. those who wish to be acclaimed Christians) find it difficult realizing that, following Christ does not entail taking direct charge of your life, but allowing Christ to take the direct charge and run decisions about what happens in it. It is this improper knowledge which has turned many into religious prostitutes as they run from pillar to post in the quest to bring about, in the ordering of their lives, only that which they have willed. Isaiah could offer his back because, with his learning, he has realized that no matter what the situation is, insofar as God remains in charge, victory would always be his. Christ himself manifested this understanding in that, while the devil led him to the crucifixion at Calvary thinking himself to have won, He remained submissive still, confident and aware that His Father was in charge ?the victory of His resurrection manifested the Father's being in charge and silenced the devil.

????If indeed, we Christians realize this fact of who really is in charge of our lives, we will know that what God our Father desires of us always is that we remain steadfast in holy living and doing His will and leave off other eventualities, mistakes and failures to His decision. His will is that we avoid all forms of evil and do good always, that we become useful in the development of the society around us and never allow ourselves become a burden to it. That we be ready to offer even our own gains and pleasures insofar as it would produce good results. That we realize that, no matter how united we have become with God in our holy living, we are still under His charge and it is Him who is in charge that has the final say of whatever that would be (or not be) in our world.

????With this consciousness, we pray God today for the grace to always remind ourselves even as we live out our daily struggles that He is the one in charge and the one who has the final say for whatever it is that will come our way. With this understanding, may we live out our daily lives placing God first, putting in our best in whatever challenge that faces us while relying wholly on God to bring out the best that He has willed for us. Amen.

????Happy Palm Sunday beloved friend and May you experience the holiness of God in this Holy Week. Amen.


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