Thursday, July 20, 2017

"How I Combined Nigerian Meals and Special Plant Extracts Into a Natural Breakthrough Therapy That Helped My Mom to "BEAT HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE" In 4 Weeks"

 "How I Combined Nigerian Meals and Special Plant Extracts Into a Natural Breakthrough Therapy That Helped My Mom to "BEAT HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE" In 4 Weeks" 

What you are about to read in the next 5 minutes is how my mom was able to reverse her high blood pressure condition within 4 weeks using a 5 steps natural therapy. 
And I am not selling the 5 steps therapy. You are getting all the details for free.
I am sharing this information so that you can use it to help yourself or the ones you love. 
This is how it started:
When my ringing phone jolted me out of bed at four that faithful Saturday morning, I knew it couldn’t be good news... 
But I had no idea of the nightmare that was in store for me. 
It was my dad on the other end. He told me he’d found my mom collapsed in the bathroom. 
Now he was with her at the hospital in Surulere, and she was barely clinging to life.  
I left my room at Amina Hall, University of Lagos and raced there as fast as I could. 
When I arrived, I was told she was in critical condition and there was no way of telling if she’d pull through.  
A swell of emotions surged through me. 
Would my mother live to see her boy graduate from Unilag. Or see my sister walk down the aisle someday? Would this really be the last time I saw her alive?
All of these horrible thoughts were swirling through my brain… 
All this because of her high blood pressure.  
About 30 minutes later, the doctor emerged. ‘She is very lucky. She could have died if she hadn’t make it to the hospital in time.’ 
Up until that moment we never really took high blood pressure seriously because like most people, I saw high blood pressure as a normal disease (like fever) that will go away after a few drugs. 


But I Was Wrong.

About 6 weeks later, I was browsing through the web when I stumbled on this piece of information below: 
I decided to find out what this high blood pressure was all about and started my research immediately.
I didn't know this research of mine would last 4 months but it did because of the heavy amount of old and misleading information online. You will be surprised by how many doctors are even following these outdated and misleading information...
I had to go through various medical journals and blogs and had to verify all sorts of claims because I wanted something SAFE that would work for my mom (unlike the killer drugs out there) 
As a result, I found out 3 very important things that you or anyone who wants to be free from high blood pressure MUST know about.   


Here Are 3 Very Important Things About High blood pressure That You Ought To Know About:

FACT 1 - High blood pressure is a Deadly Disease: 

Please, whatever you do, don't take high blood pressure for granted. 
The very first thing I found is that high blood pressure is a very "silent" and deadly disease and when you don't treat it, it leads to some really bad complications. 
Unfortunately, this is where a lot of people with high blood pressure make the terrible mistake of thinking that it is just a normal disease. 
And they don't pay special attention to it until it is too late and high blood pressure begins to lead to other complications. 
High blood pressure (hypertension) can quietly damage your body for years before symptoms develop. Left uncontrolled, you may wind up with a disability, a poor quality of life or even a fatal heart attack. 
Roughly half the people with untreated hypertension die of heart disease related to poor blood flow (ischemic heart disease) and another third die of stroke.   
Here is a List of Some of the Deadly Complications You Are Playing With If You Don't Take High blood pressure Serious:  
1. Heart attack — High blood pressure damages arteries that can become blocked and prevent blood from flowing to tissues in the heart muscle.
2. Stroke — High blood pressure can cause blood vessels in the brain to burst or clog more easily.
3. Heart failure — The increased workload from high blood pressure can cause the heart to enlarge and fail to supply blood to the body.
4. Kidney disease or failure — High blood pressure can damage the arteries around the kidneys and interfere with their ability to effectively filter blood.
5. Vision loss — High blood pressure can strain or damage blood vessels in the eyes.
6. Sexual dysfunction — This can be erectile dysfunction in men or lower libido in women. 
7. Angina — Over time, high blood pressure can lead to heart disease or microvascular disease. Angina, or chest pain, is a common symptom.
8. Peripheral artery disease (PAD) — Artherosclerosis caused by high blood pressure can cause a narrowing of arteries in the legs, arms, stomach and head, causing pain or fatigue. 
9. And of course Death...
When I Read About these Deadly Complications of High blood pressure, Fear Struck My Heart and I Became Restless
I couldn't imagine seeing my dad suffer from ANY of these complications. 
I am the oldest (I have 3 siblings) and I want my mom to be healthy and alive to play with her grandkids and see them grow up. So, I decided to put in more efforts in my research to find out drugs that are very effective at treating high blood pressure but what I found over and over surprised me.   
Here is the another thing I found out about High blood pressure that you ought to know 

Fact 2. High blood pressure Drugs Can be Deadly:

Another thing I learnt about is that most of the high blood pressure drugs out there all have side effects and some are even considered to be deadly. 
In fact, several high blood pressure drugs have been linked to several side effects, including heart attacks and death. 
According to a recent study conducted by the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, calcium channel blockers, a popular type of prescription drug, are estimated to cause 85,000 unnecessary deaths every year. Not just from thousands of strokes and heart attacks. The deaths are also due to gastrointestinal bleeding, and kidney and liver damage. Plus, weaker immune systems lead to all kinds of other diseases 
I wanted my mum to be alive and healthy as she has always been so I stopped looking in the areas of orthodox medicine. 
Instead, I diverted my research to the areas of Natural Therapy (this is the area of medicine that focuses on using food and natural solutions to treat diseases)
I have always believed in natural therapy especially for diseases that orthodox medicine don't have answers for.
For instance, I have seen many cases where victims of accidents have been condemned to amputation but their broken bones were fixed via natural therapy. 
That is not all. 
There was a time a friend of mine had very terrible piles and it was so painful (also known as hemorrhoids) - All the medical doctors he sought out told him he had to go for surgery. He didn't want to go surgery. And while browsing one day, he came across a little natural therapy book that listed some natural herbs he could use to treat the high blood pressure. He bought the book, found the herbs and used them and the piles shrunk and disappeared.
In fact, when I turned my research on "how to beat high blood pressure" towards the angle of Natural Therapy, the first thing I found was good news in form of a breakthrough from 2 doctors.
The good news is this... 

Fact 3. Nearly 100 Percent Of High Blood Pressure Can Be Successfully Treated.

This is the good part. The first breakthrough I had during my research on high blood pressure came from the works of 2 German doctors and one American doctor 
The names of the German doctors are: Dr Johann Georg Schnitzer and Dr. Helmut Weiss (you may Google them online) that I came in contact with. These 2 doctors proved that high blood pressure is reversible and even wrote 2 books about it.
That was VERY good news to me because the mainstream belief especially with orthodox doctors is that high blood pressure is a condition that one has to live with forever. 
How wrong?
Here is a statement copied from the third doctor (An American) who specializes in treating diseases using natural therapy. 
His name is Dr Mercola and he said:
"The good news is, the vast majority of you don't need prescription drugs to normalize your blood pressure. In most cases, hypertension can be reversed with a few basic adjustments to your diet and lifestyle"  - Dr Joseph Mercola (Alternative medicine doctor) 
Throughout my research, I was able to come up with 3 methods that people have successfully used to reverse high blood pressure but it was the combination of 2 of these methods that resulted in the Natural therapy that helped my mum to conquer high blood pressure forever in only 4 weeks. 
I have detailed how you can use this Natural Breakthrough Therapy into 5 steps and that is what I want to show you next... 


The Combination of Nigerian Meals and Special Plant Extracts That Helped My Mom to "BEAT HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE" In 4 Weeks

From Dr Mercola doctor, I learnt that you can reverse high blood pressure by eating a diet made of very low carbohydrates (e.g rice, yam etc) combined with vegetables and fruits (only fruits with low fructose like pawpaw is okay) and lots of water.  
However, you have to make a long term decision to stay on this therapy to make it work.
I also learnt from some other people about how a combination of certain herbs and plant extracts like Aloe Vera, Coenzyme Q10, Garlic and animal extracts etc work together to bring about the death of high blood pressure.
The ONLY challenge is that these ingredients (in their medicinal form) are hard to find.
So, what we eventually did was to purchase a set of supplements that supplied the same natural ingredients. 
I was surprised when the supplements we purchased cost N26,000 in total but even if it cost N200,000, I would still have purchased them because I value my mum's good health far more than the money. 
And if we didn't do anything because of the money, I knew we would have to pay much more later on. 


How We Applied this Natural Breakthrough Therapy in 5 Steps:

We started by removing flour based foods (e.g bread, pizza etc), pasta and sugar based substances from her diet. So, her diet consisted mainly of foods like rice, beans, vegetables, fruits, eggs and lots of fish
We also reduced her salt intake and ensure that she drank more water. 
She would drink Aloe Vera first thing in the morning and take the other supplements after food according to their prescribed dosage. 
After the first 10 days of taking the supplements, there wasn't much difference. 
But after 2 weeks, we saw her blood pressure come down to 137/87mm/Hg from 148/95mm/Hg that it used to read.
We were happy. By the time we checked it the third week, there wasn't much difference. 
It just dropped from 137/87mm/Hg to 130/81mm/Hg
By week 4, the changes were dramatic.
It was 115/75mm/Hg  
The doctor acknowledged that her condition had gotten far better but told her to stay on her drugs for the next 1 month so that he can be sure that the drugs were working (he thought the drugs he recommended was doing the magic) 
As at the time I am writing this, it is now over a year without any medication and my mun's blood pressure has been within the normal levels.
The last one we measured is 112/73mm/Hg


How Did This "Miracle" Happen?

Well, I believe it is God who directed me to the online sites that I used for my research. 
But we were able to achieve this by focusing on solutions that healed his body and not relying on drugs that only cater to symptoms. 
The same thing will happen to you or anyone you are helping if you do something now. 


Here Is How to Beat High blood pressure In 4 Weeks Summarized For You In 5 Steps:

Step 1 - Remove flour based foods (E.g bread, dough nuts, pizza etc), pasta and sugar based substances from your diet so that your diet will consist mainly of foods like rice, beans, vegetables, fruits, eggs and fish.
Step 2 - Reduce your salt intake. 
Step 3 - Make sure you drink a lot of water to keep your body hydrated. Most especially, drink at least a full glass of water immediately after waking up in the morning. 
Step 4 - Exercise. Make yous you get regular exercises. Walking for about 30 minutes a day is really beneficial.
Step 5 - Finally, get and use the natural based supplements below that will help you to heal your arteries and capillaries and reverse high blood pressure. Now the question is...

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