Saturday, April 1, 2017



In the common language of everyone, “Everything that has advantage, has also disadvantage”. It is on this ground that I want to say that sex on its own has also something good that comes out of it. Let us not mind that we focus more on the wrong side of it and not even listen to the inner voice that talks in favour of it. Our minds are now negatively formulated about the word sex. Whenever we hear it, it will be as we heard devil calling us. Forgetting that all of us came from it and all that will come will also come from it. It is only the way, the time, the place and the persons involve that make it sin, not sex itself.
Everything we do on this earth has its own time. Even the Bible recorded it. There is time for everything, a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. And sex is not an exception. Come and think of it, if a man waits till marriage before having sex, is it still an evil? Or if a woman does the same? It is a matter of time.
That we fall into many problems today is because we do not wait for the proper time. Premarital and ex-marital sex are doing the right thing at the wrong time, wrong place and with wrong person which in turn has changed the whole thing into wrong act. Patience is a virtue. We rush into things that are unclear to us many times and this land us into many problems. Looking at the percentage of divorced families these days, greater percentage is caused by either premarital or extramarital sex.
Premarital sex
Premarital sex is like what the Igbos say, “Okoro erughi eru wara ọgọdọ, ikuku bịa, eburu ya ma buru kwa ọgọdọ”. Some boys have tasted every girl around them. Equally some girls have also tasted every man that have greeted her on the road. Every man wants to marry a virgin and you go about breaking girls’ virginity. You will like to eat what is been killed by car but your own will not cross the main road. We all know that habit is the hardest thing to stop when formed. When you have formed the habit of having sex as a youth with many persons, even when you finally get married, one man or one woman will not be enough for you. When your wife or husband is not in the mood, you will go out looking for alternative. Who is always in the mood. When you have eaten something preserved for a particular time before that time, when the time reaches, it will never be of any value to you. That time, you will start to compare between your wife or husband with the other person(s) you have been doing it with. You will start to say, “The other person(s) satisfy (satisfies) me more than my husband or wife. It is too bad for a child to eat a food meant for the elders. Nri ndị okenye adịrọ mma nwata iri ya. Everything has time and stage for it. When you reach the time you will enjoy it. Just compare it with when we were small. How do you feel eating meat that your mother gave you from the pot and eating the one you stole from the pot? You will relax and eat it, when it is from your mother but if it was a stolen one you will rush it. Sometimes you encounter many difficulties in swallowing it. That is it when we start to have sex before marriage. We will do it in secret though even if married you also do it in secret but, your conscience will continue to tell you that this person or the other is suspecting you. And sin begets sin, to start the plan you are to tell many lies, it is lies before, during and after the act. Many families are not standing today because one of them has in anyway harmed his/her life through premarital sex.
Extramarital Sex.
Coming to the issue of extramarital sex, it is like the worst of it. In the issue of premarital sex, we may say that it is not ordinarily easy for the young to avoid it, but now married men and women are involving in sex more than even the young. This extramarital sex break families into pieces. Once one of the two begins to suspect the other of infidelity, there the problem starts. My personal problem here is that married men come back to destroy unmarried girls and equally married women do the same. You will like your sons and daughters to be more Holy than Jesus Christ and you will be committing many atrocities before them. To protect your family please avoid extramarital sex. You destroy many persons’ lives while doing that, you as a man destroy a young girl or a family, also a woman destroys a young boy or a family also. We are still going to account for whatever we do on this earth and I have not in any way come across where the commandments of God are edited. That sixth commandment has not been changed, it is still a guide for our living a Holy life.
Disadvantages of Sex.
Many are the disadvantages of sex but we are not going to leave the war because it kills. Some of our youths are into many problems because of this particular thing called sex. Some young men go about fighting their fellow men because of girls not that the love the person deep within them but they are gaining pleasure from them. Some even have been killed in the act of fighting for sin. Some are disabled in one way or the other because of this same thing. Some have summited their destiny to one marine kingdom or the other because of this same sex. There are many disadvantages that if I start to write them, it will contain many pages of this write up. Even an atheist philosopher Epicurus said that sex is natural but not necessary because it does not give happiness rather pleasure and pleasure does not last. He was talking about premarital and extramarital sex. They are natural but not necessary. They are only filled with problems. Problem of getting pregnant, impregnating someone, committing murder (Abortion), disgrace, humiliation, disrespect, mockery and mostly offending God who created you.
The Good side of Sex (Advantages).
Sex has advantage when it is done in the proper time, with proper person and for procreation purpose. When sex is been done for the purpose of increasing and multiplying as God directed, it yields positive results. (Genesis 9:7 or Genesis 1:28)
It is only through sex that children can come. So, the best time, place and person one should have sex is, when legally married, in a place agreed by your wife or husband and with your husband or wife. Anything apart from this, is a mortal sin. Anything apart from this comes from the evil one. (Matthew 5:37)
Avoid premarital and extramarital sex, they pay us nothing. Instead of doing us good, it will do us bad. Sex yourself from deadly deceases, getting pregnant or impregnating someone who is not your wife or husband, committing murder (Abortion) and offending your creator.

1 comment:

Hillary said...

Wow a nice thing. But you did not .......................................